Whole Counsel Theology

Monday, April 02, 2007

Our Singular Focus

A while back I read a book by John Piper called Don't Waste Your Life, and it is a book I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone. He has a chapter in it that makes reference to the cross of Christ being the "blazing center of the glory of God," and spends a lot of time dealing with the following verse from Galatians:
Gal 6:14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

With Piper, I ask this question -- is Paul serious? Everything? We don't boast in anything except the cross of Christ?

Paul was serious.

We owe everything we have to Christ's work on the cross, every joy we experience, every provision we have, and especially the salvation God brought to us.

Today is a beautiful day outside -- sunny, Spring weather, lovely breeze -- and I owe every bit of its enjoyment to God; all blessings flow from Him. Yet, I boast that I can enjoy it in the Cross, for only because of that work can I enjoy it at all![1] And the fact that I even WANT to give God glory for such a day[2] is also because of the work of the Cross, on which I was crucified with Christ, and through which God's grace came to me.

Indeed, let us think often of the Cross, especially in this season of celebration of the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Soli Deo Gloria,

1. This is with regard to Common Grace of course. :)

2. See Philippians 2:12-13!

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Bill Webster on the Canon of Scripture

Dr. James White has been posting several video clips from his past debates on his blog in recent days. Most of them have been with Roman Catholics, and as such, as created a bit of a stir in the RC apologetic community. One of those debates was with a man by the name of Gary Michuta over the issue of the canon[1] of Scripture, and there have been a lot of posts attacking what Dr. White has said. Bill Webster put together a wonderful response to those attacks which Dr. White has posted on his blog in three parts, here, here, and here. They are worth your time, and also worth pointing any Roman Catholic friends to who think that the deutero-canonical (or Apocryphal) books belong in the canon.

1. That is, which books belong in the Bible.
