Whole Counsel Theology

Monday, December 25, 2006

Finishing the Sermon Series

For a while I've been working on a series that I started right as I left my old church on the last sermon I heard my former pastor preach. I'll be finishing it over the next two weeks, perhaps attaining a bit more closure.

If anyone is wondering, no, I am not blogging against him or the church. I'm examining the things he has said in the light of Scripture, the rule against which all things ought to be measured. If (and sadly, I must say when) I say something contrary to the Word of God, I can only hope people will come to me about it and desire to dialogue with me in the Scriptures about it to show me my error so that I may repent.

I went to my former pastor to discuss the Scriptures with him (the ones I have posted about and a few more) and we never once cracked a Bible; he wasn't interested in doing it. So, I have come here to present the truth. If this is construed as a personal attack, well, it is not. I love my former pastor and church and desire only the best for them; however, if things do not change there in the near future, then I fear the worst for them.

In any case, I wanted to mention this as some rumors have flown around that I've been blogging against my former church or trying to teach hypercalvinism or something. Neither is true of course, and I would ask if there is any substance to those rumors that people would come forward, either here or in person, to confront me. And, if and when they do, to present evidence that I've been doing either of those two aforementioned items.

May God Himself judge between us.

...one other thing of utmost importance before I close this post:

Merry Christmas, and may God bless you as you celebrate the Incarnation!


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Friday, December 22, 2006

Criminal Mishandling of the Word of God by Rome

Strong words, but there is more to them than just a title or an eye catcher. Recently, James White completed his work on his latest book called Pulpit Crimes, which I have had the privilege of reading through already. It is an excellent work, though I suspect that many will be offended by it. The reason is that it makes its arguments from the sufficiency of Scripture, and anyone who is not willing to take the Word of God seriously at all times in all ways will not appreciate the book that Dr. White has put together.

With that said, one example of such a person who mishandled the Word of God in a rather cavalier manner is one of Rome's leading apologists. I read this article on Dr. White's website recently that addresses a rather glaring instance of what appears to be common play in the world of Rome.

Don't take my word for it; I'll let you read it to come to your own conclusions. :)



Friday, December 08, 2006

Another Nail in the Coffin....

....of the erroneous thought that "Calvinism" makes light of evangelism or man's requirement to repent and believe the Gospel. Alan Kurschner over at the Calvinist Gadfly has posted this EXCELLENT article written by John Reisinger that explains the matter very well.

If someone is not sharing the Gospel in some way and therefore also insisting that people repent, that person is being disobedient to God, and I've known a lot more non-Calvinists who fit that category than Calvinists.

Perhaps articles such as the one I linked to will help quash the irresponsible repetition of the aforementioned falsehood, that "Calvinism" is anti-evangelistic.

Let the truth be known.
